Showers and gift cards?

Question: We are throwing a bridal shower for a young lady in our Bible study. She is moving right after the shower to her fiancé’s hometown and won’t be back until the wedding, which will take place here, her hometown. She and her fiancé are trying to limit the things she has to move. It has been suggested that a […]

Looking ahead:More on Issues of Life and death-Part II

There’s a strong possibility that someone you know will experience a death in their family in the coming year. Knowing beforehand what we can do as friends is essential. We must practice, and teach our children to practice, good protocol during such times. Our active response and role as friends (and acquaintances) should reflect our sympathetic care and concern for […]

Looking ahead: Issues of Life and death-Part I

May I put a serious matter before you?–regardless of your age or household size. It’s an important discussion that should not be ignored. Still, people often avoid talking about it.  I’ve seen some sad repercussions because people failed to address or realize this fact of life–usually at a cost to loved ones. How we handle major issues impact lives more […]