Can I do my own birthday party?
Question: Could you address the topic of throwing a party on the occasion of one’s own birthday? Are there guidelines for doing so graciously, or is the entire concept just tacky?
Question: Could you address the topic of throwing a party on the occasion of one’s own birthday? Are there guidelines for doing so graciously, or is the entire concept just tacky?
Question: We are throwing a bridal shower for a young lady in our Bible study. She is moving right after the shower to her fiancĂ©’s hometown and won’t be back until the wedding, which will take place here, her hometown. She and her fiancĂ© are trying to limit the things she has to move. It has been suggested that a […]
Question: We have many friends from out of town who will not be able to attend my daughter’s wedding or her bridal shower. The groom’s family is also out of state. Yet these families would like to send a gift. What is the best way to inform them where the bride and groom are registered? I know it is not […]