Back burner issues

Have you learned that there are times when certain endeavors have to be put on the back burner…things that you care about?

That’s where this PM blog has been due to a variety of factors–some issues were (and still are) technical and other factors involved time constraints due to life’s speed bumps, and also because of some family needs.


I hope you know its okay whenever an important activity in your life must simmer on the backburner. Reassigning priorities occur when other situations take precedence. We often forget its ok, especially if a sense of guilt nags about failure to perform—or to perform perfectly. Beware of wrong, extraordinary, or impractical expectations for yourself. (You dear diligent responsible persons are most vulnerable here).


Most of us recognize that we live in a culture that ignores- even belittles- the ordinary and popularizes the exceptional, such as “super heroes” who possess extraordinary powers to do all things fantastically well at all times. Young people, looking for examples in how to live, are often wrongly influenced by the loudest voices. Many idolize those who excel in sports and entertainment to the point their ‘heroes” become elevated to seem somehow grander than mere “ordinary” humans. Media and entertainment spotlight (and glorify) the extreme whether good or bad. They hardly notice the decent “average” person.


Circumstances, however, frequently remind us that ordinary mortals have limitations along with time constraints amid multiple duties. For example, young families face numerous demands, not to mention grandparents whose expanding families keep them busy at a lively pace. I hope you know that good family-hood is a demanding priority, which means that some other things in your life may properly be placed on the “back burner”.


Speaking of ordinary, while writing this blog, not long ago I heard a talk/sermon about the blessing of the “ordinary means of grace” available to those who seriously desire how to live well. The significance of such a simple message in our current culture provides the “common” person with some important truths.

Currently, on this little PM blog we continue slowly working on re-posting the many past posts, questions, with their various topics that were hit by a virus. (Thank you again Google for help in avoiding that bump in the road and making us a safe site). Amid the technical problems, I recently discovered that some of your comments and questions never reached me. I’m sorry…no promises, but I will get to them as time allows. I enjoy hearing from you and appreciate your quest for wisdom in living with the best etiquette.

While discussion about good manners may get waylaid, their practice should never be relegated to a back burner.



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