Quiet Your Doubts

Is this a time of doubt, suffering, or hurt in your life? Do you or your loved ones have serious problems and questions about the Christian faith because of some hard circumstances? So did former atheist, Lee Strobel, when he set out to examine tough intellectual objections to Christianity, especially the questions of suffering and how can a “good God do or allow bad things to happen in this “pain-wracked world”?”.  And to decent people? He squarely faces the question of evil.

So should we. Sage advice encourages us to face doubts head on, even when they include difficult questions about God.  God is not offended by sincere inquiry and seeking truth about Him. He’s not small that way. He’s big. What we think about God is important.  Growing in faith includes seeking Him with reason, intellect, and in our experiences–even in the bad things. Faith thrives in thoughtful study and knowledge of God’s words applied to individual situations. The gift of faith often increases as a person turns and seek answers from and about Him.

Therefore, here are two recommendations for troubled times.

The first comes from the examples given us in the recorded miracles in Matthew chapter nine. By approaching Jesus during times of trouble and confusion, many people sincerely turned to Him and told Him their needs. These people ignored their doubts, their respectable self-pride, and the peer pressure against Jesus and His teachings. They came directly and personally to Him anyway. They sought Him as the promised Son of God , the Christ, for their life needs. Some asked for help with their unbelief. He did not disappoint. He increased their understanding about Who He is and What He does.  Those individuals, in spite of circumstances of heartbreak, misery, sickness, and even impending death, who responded  by reaching out to Jesus were told that their faith in Him made them well.  In this sense, they co-operated with Him by believing and trusting what He said. Some amazing results occurred.

Do you know who He is? Do you desire to know more about His Life? Are your circumstances discouraging? Do you attend a bible study? If not, go to a men’s or women’s Bible Study Fellowship group,  in your area. Its okay to take your doubts with you. It’s  an interdenominational, non-profit study group.  There is no charge. Your faith and knowledge about Christ will grow in this safe and sincere group who meet weekly most of the year in all parts of the country.

Next, read Mr. Strobel’s book. His probing investigations and interviews provides convincing answers on many tough questions, such as “If  the miracles of God contradict science, then how can any rational person believe they’re true?” and “If I’m plagued by doubts, can I still be a Chrisitan?”.  You’ll benefit from Mr. Strobel’s findings and quiet your doubts on various issues in his book, The Case for Faith, which may be found at the following links:


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Your doubts will be quieted.

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