Toppling modern king pins

A friend and fellow high school teacher passed along some excellent comments concerning the need for our current generation’s return to common sense and a better regard for truth and propriety. Modernity has lost touch with certain realities, including an understanding of “solempne”. (If your Latin is rusty–or non-existent–you’ll appreciate discovering the potent significance of this word in the link’s commentary).

Without a doubt, teaching children good manners trains their emotions and creates more respectful attitudes towards others. It helps them plug into the reality of social life. There is more to these outward gestures than many realize.

The link’s commentary is definitely food for thought, but I placed it under the Games of life, because the wisdom shared is “winning stuff” and challenges adults to “introduce our students (and children) into a world of permanent and splendid and very real things which will fit them for eternity.”

Please visit the link at — Read and enjoy the release from “modernity’s” confusion and emptiness.

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