Don’t worry, be Happy

happiness includes more than thinking right thoughts

In case you haven’t noticed–happiness includes more than thinking right thoughts. It involves wise actions that are taught and learned. Insightful training and the practices of good manners, including  etiquette’s many trustworthy Christian based rules, contribute greatly to happiness. Yes, they do!

Civility always promotes gladsome relationships, which fosters degrees of happiness. One of wisdom’s seven pillars supports considerate social relationships. Skilled living is an important factor in happiness and the favor of God.
The person (adult or child) who ignores wisdom and goes against its practices, wrongs his own soul (paraphrasing Proverbs 8:33-36). When we are out of sorts with ourselves and others a nagging discomfort usually results.   It comes with a sense of condemnation, worry, and depression that hits us after we have missed the mark of wisdom’s ways.
On the other hand,  wise behavior and right actions do more than compliment our souls with emotional happiness. They influence and change situations for the better. Most people (except for the bullies in the world) want this constructive good. Those who love life, love God’s wisdom. As adults, we frequently need wisdom’s reminders about conduct . Our children need consistent right training in her social skills. If your soul feels out of sorts, take a look at your behavior and your manners.

For more good thoughts on wise living and happiness click on You’ll enjoy his “Don’t worry, be happy” discussion. Have a great day. Protocol matters!

1 thought on “Don’t worry, be Happy

    • Author gravatar

      , so freaking amsoewe! i agree with you there, maiylah. i wanted to add that happiness is also accepting what we see and being accepted for what others see in us. visiting here for Happiness Is… Have a great weekend!

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